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Could You Use a Litigation Lawyer? 

Lawyers are very important to have in many situations, but you always want to make sure that you have a case before deciding to go to court. This is why you should always set up a consultation with an experienced lawyer from a litigation law firm, similar to that of Brown Kiely, LLP, to determine if you have a case. Consultations are often free and will give you an idea of whether it will be worthwhile taking your case to court. You may also want to hire a lawyer if you need…

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Why Would You Need a Real Estate Litigation Lawyer? 

Real estate litigation lawyers are important in any real estate transaction. Not only do they make sure that things are fair and that laws are followed, but they will also always keep their clients’ best interests at heart every step of the way. No matter what kind of real estate transaction you are making or why you think you may need a lawyer on your side, do not hesitate to contact a real estate litigation lawyer, like one from Eric Siegel Law, to get assistance immediately. Your lawyer can begin working for…

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EXTREME CAUTION REQUIRED Is strategic default an intelligent approach or a reckless gamble?  It’s all about what you’re willing to risk, and how smart you approach it. STRATEGIC DEFAULT – THE PROCESS Strategic default is a process whereby the borrower purposely misses payments in order to get the lender to alter the terms of the mortgage, usually by lowering the interest rate and the corresponding monthly payment. STRATEGIC DEFAULT – THE RISKS The risks are significantly high – It could cost you the family home as your default falls on deaf or…

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Common Issues With Real Estate Transactions

Real Estate Litigation Lawyer Real Estate Problems Buying and selling real estate is something that many people like to do. Some do it to find a home to live in, some do it to rent a purchased home out to tenants and others enjoy flipping fixer-upper properties for profit. Regardless of the purpose that you buy or sell property for, there are a lot of issues that may require the services of a legal professional. Many problems can arise with real estate transactions that may be too big to handle by yourself.…

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Decontamination and Disposal Services

COVID-19 Decontamination and Disposal Service The coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic has created the need for many operations and organizations to address business and operational continuity concerns that are associated with suspected or confirmed infection of an employee, supplier or visitor. The pandemic has forced people to rethink how they handle potential contamination of equipment or locations. Nielsen Environmental Is just one of many services that can handle your COVID-19 decontamination and disposal service. Businesses such as Nielsen Environmental are able to partner in preplanning a response for your first business organization, or…

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